Country White

Another loaf of sourdough. Considerably easier than the first time (last week), because my starter was active and I didn't have to feed it for 3 days before using it. And I kindasorta knew what I was doing.
First I worried that I didn't let it ferment long enough, then I worried that I didn't let it proof long enough. I worried because the doorbell rang right as I put it into the oven, and so it was 15 minutes before I turned the temperature down from 500 to 450 degrees, instead of 5 minutes as instructed. But now I'm wondering if maybe it is nearly foolproof and no matter what I do, it might turn out as wonderful as these first attempts.
Dang, I shouldn't even think that, much less say it out loud. I bet I just jinxed myself.
Tonight this becomes garlic bread to go with Mahogany Beef Stew. I can hardly wait. I better have a slice now to be sure it's ok...

Amy, that is one gorgeous loaf. I am very impressed.
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