Carrot Apple Muffins

I've always liked carrot cake (especially when Sheri lets me eat it for breakfast in bed!) and I've always liked bran muffins. So when I saw this recipe over at Beyond Salmon, it sounded like a good one for me to try.
The recipe on the back of the package of Bob's Red Mill flaxseed meal says unbleached white flour, but I noticed that the recipe on their website calls for whole wheat pastry flour. I didn't see that until after I made them, so I used white. I don't have ww pastry flour anyway.
The flaxseed meal is the main fat (other than eggs and milk) in the recipe. Grated apple, grated carrots, and oat bran are all in there too, so I'd say these are a very healthy snack, in addition to being very good. I would definitely make them again. I bet Kelly would love them.
I do think I would like those. I might have to go to the store tomorrow and see if I can find flaxseed meal.
I made the beef stew a couple days ago. Yum!
Hi Kelly!
They're even better the next day! More moist and more dense (dense sounds bad? but in this case it seems good?)
I made the muffins today. I left out the raisins and put in some frozen cranberries. My favorite muffins at Whole Foods used to be the cranberry-apple and the carrot-cranberry, so I figured I would really like carrot-apple-cranberry. They're good!
I've never even heard of WW pastry flour!
You may want to kill me me, but check out:
Hi Amy. I am tagging you for a meme called Common Cold Cure. Wanna play? I would email you but I can't find your address. Please visit my blog for the full scoop. Thanks!
Andrea at Rookie Cookery
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