Fresh Herb Biscuits

I grew up in Georgia, where biscuits are to bread what tortillas are to bread in Texas. My mother makes excellent biscuits, though I can't remember the last time I had one. In fact, I can't remember the last time I had a biscuit at all. Lately, herb biscuits have been calling my name. I have a leftover bunch of dill. I have perennial chives in my herb garden and my basil plant is looking quite healthy. For some reason - probably because it's HOT - my parsley is already trying to go to seed.
Interestingly, Fine Cooking has two recipes for herb biscuits. Since biscuits are bread, when you have your choice between Peter Reinhart and not Peter Reinhart, go with Peter Reinhart. His method is a little fussy, but I think a lot of his methods are fussy. Then again, there's a reason he's famous, so I'm not going to argue. You don't cut the butter into the flour; you slice the butter into very thin pats, and then fold the dough several times, like business letters. Similar to puff pastry, but not that fussy. Like puff pastry, as the butter melts, it gives off steam, making the dough rise in flaky layers.
Mine definitely qualified as "flaky, buttery biscuits" which is how the recipe describes them. A couple lost their shape as the butter melted (I ate those to conceal the evidence), but most of them rose into nice biscuit-shaped biscuits. I served them for brunch, with cheese omelet (overkill on the fat in that meal!) and sliced tomatoes, but they'd be lovely with dinner too.
Fresh Herb Biscuits, Fine Cooking #85, p. 50
man...those look amazingly tasty
They look wonderful - I love biscuits! I have to agree with you about PR's methods. I think he's interesting, and I love the way he writes his recipes. But fussy is a perfect descriptor
What beautiful biscuits! Those would be great with shrimp etouffee (sp?)
These look very good and sound more interesting than my plain old biscuits, which btw I haven't made in ages.
Love you!
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