Bake Sale Success
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in Africa. But it's home to some of the most talented runners in the world! For Malawi's elite runners, the opportunity to compete in the U.S. is the opportunity of a lifetime. It's a chance to provide for their families, to buy medicine for sick relatives, to pay school fees for their children – and maybe even buy themselves a pair of decent running shoes!
Rogue Training Systems is giving 6 athletes from Malawi the opportunity to travel to Austin to run the AT&T Marathon on February 17th.
The group that I am coaching is trying to raise enough money ($3,000) to support one athlete as an honorary member of Team A-M-E (Austin Marathon Experience) and we are well on our way! This weekend, we held a bake sale at the end of a 16-18 mile training run. There's not a better captive audience than a bunch of exhausted runners! In 2 days, we raised approximately $1,000!!!!!
Anna from Cookie Madness
giant brownies sell well, Rice Krispie Treats are low cost/high profit margin,
and signage is important.
Starbucks donated coffee and one of our marketing strategies was to give "Free Coffee with the purchase of any baked good!"
They're runners; you have to offer something that reasonably healthy so they can offset the less-than-healthy :)
Isn't that some beautiful bread? I didn't bake it, but I can vouch for how fabulous it is!
Some big eaters and some big spenders, we were grateful to them all!
Lots of people donated their time, their energy and their money. There are too many names to name, so I won't try or I'd leave someone out, but THANK YOU~